Bill was Chapter 14’s Executive Director in the 1980s, after retiring and selling his shop. He was a pioneer in Chino auto repair when it was a farming community, opening his shop in the late 1940’s after serving in WW2. He and wife Elsie were very kind and dedicated members of the Independent Garage Owners (IGO) which has grown to now be known as ASCCA.
It was a great time for ASCCA, which was populated by some very dedicated and nurturing leaders, true to its basic Code of Ethics and serving as the principal instrument of change and improvement in quality for California auto repair dealers and their customers.
Over the years, many of Chino and surrounding area mechanics and future shop owners got their basic training under Bill’s tutelage. He worked with the parts providers to obtain free technical training for area technicians. Bill was an active and valued advisor to the local high school automotive training programs.
Bill exemplified the leadership that was necessary to make the auto repair industry into the profession it is today in the 21st century.